Monday, 11 November 2019

You reside in me!

You left me when I was very young and I could never forgive you for that. I was naïve to understand the ways of the world and I simply needed you to guide me through every phase of life.
What I never understood was that I don’t need you to physically be with me. I was a fool to think you left and I am alone. I found you in me!
While noticing and discovering myself, I found not only me but the voice of reasoning- that is you! You never left my side; you are the one who keeps me grounded. I not only look like you but also am grounded like you. I feel like you did and do a lot of things like you did in your time. Thinking about all these things do not make me angry anymore. It makes me proud to be called your daughter. Yes in every sense you left me to walk alone but for eternity you are the hand pulling me on the right path! You reside within me!