Wednesday, 27 February 2019

The Fairer Sex

Women, the epitome of beauty praised, worshiped , loved everywhere. Men cant live with them or without them. Monuments, songs and books are written about them. Men consider them lucky whenever they are successful. 
Mother, Sister, Daughter, Wife! 
In Every role she is full of advise!
And yet sometimes we fail to understand our inner strength. We fall weak and let our emotions take control of who we are.
We cry and sob and be become sad. We feel so unloved and so unresolved that darkness is a bottomless pit.I ask why do we need to feel so? 
Why cant we just become the Goddess we are known for! not the angry one but the one who knows the right from wrong. One who can become the support system and silently be the stronger one in any relationship. Let the tears be only to wash away the dirt in your eye. 
Get up, wipe those tears away and move ahead in life.
You are the best one for yourself! you do no need anyone to take care of you. Earn and live by your own rules. Never crumble and lose yourself!
Let me know your views!

Friday, 22 February 2019

The '#' trend

The '#' trend has taken over our lives where there is a certain urge to document everything and share it with some strangers on social media. I wont deny that i am not privy to it. I have done it too. but sometimes I fail to understand the certain urge to do so frequently.
I find that a lot of things are interconnected. There are certain things to consider
1. Loneliness
    We are flooded with messages from friends all over every platform of social media and yet we find hardly any one to share our actual thoughts. besides we have not kept our private life private anymore where you can check out everything that a person goes through on Facebook, Instagram etc.
2. Demand for high end phones
     mind it the demand for high end phones is seldom for its actual utility and more for the quality of camera, Enough space to hold the numerous snaps and the RAM to process everything quickly and to be able to score various platforms to #share the life.
3. Are we really this desirable?
   most importantly this trend that makes us want to share everything , does it make us more desirable or just to show the other person, how lovable and popular we are.
There was a movie made on this- The protagonist falls in love with a girl in the cafe and follows whatever she does by her posts. and in the end is able to make her fall in love. But he soon discovers, she merely posts them; it is only partially true.
So what are we actually doing with this # ?
putting a sign in front does not make it worth talking about.
#Declaring #it #to #the #world!
As if from this moment ago, your life was different!

Share your comments and express your views!

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Love, A Weighty issue part 2

In my last post,I mentioned that the first thing that attracts a person is the way one looks. Well, I am fair and tall and a decade back was slim too. i might have had a good share of male attention and following but i would never consider any of it love, mere crushes so to speak. Yes i was oblivious of it all, in hindsight i feel i was great at being this ignorant. but then i changed, got married , had kids and thus my body changed too. but has the love I receive from my husband changed? has he stopped feeling the same way about me like he use to when we got married?
If the person evolves emotionally, mentally why cant we accept the person with a bit of weight (over)? Its great to be fit . but be fit in mind, soul and body.
Love , in my opinion should not matter on weight or how good looking a person is. in fact what should matter is the nature and the emo level of the person. Be the kind of person who accepts love for all its rightful reason. Don't make it such a weighty issue. Love should be humongous and all accepting! Love Yourself and accept who you are in all your sizes!
Write to me and tell me what you think!

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Love, A weighty Issue!

We all are aware of laws of attraction. Different people get attracted to different aspect of the personlity. But most of us still consider looks and weight to be the most impartant thing that attracts us in a person. How fair is it?
Ramblings to be continued....

Sunday, 17 February 2019

Making an effort

We all have been struggling!
Some of us struggle more than the other and yet we all put on a brave face and try to live with it.I wonder though that showing you are vulnerable, a sign of weakness or just a sign of your capability to accept yourself and let the other person accept you too?

Do I need to make an effort to accept me first and bring in the changes that i deem fit for myself or give in to the norms of the society and maybe kill my inner self in the process. Making an effort is an ambiguous statement and definitely need more clarity. Nevertheless, in order to move a bit further in my personal growth, yes I need to make an effort.
An effort to do more of what I want and more of what is absolutely right for me!
Write more, Do more of what I love
Quill more, It satisfies my creative side.
Be more, Present in the life of ones I love and all those who actually matter.

My musings continue....