Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Love, A Weighty issue part 2

In my last post,I mentioned that the first thing that attracts a person is the way one looks. Well, I am fair and tall and a decade back was slim too. i might have had a good share of male attention and following but i would never consider any of it love, mere crushes so to speak. Yes i was oblivious of it all, in hindsight i feel i was great at being this ignorant. but then i changed, got married , had kids and thus my body changed too. but has the love I receive from my husband changed? has he stopped feeling the same way about me like he use to when we got married?
If the person evolves emotionally, mentally why cant we accept the person with a bit of weight (over)? Its great to be fit . but be fit in mind, soul and body.
Love , in my opinion should not matter on weight or how good looking a person is. in fact what should matter is the nature and the emo level of the person. Be the kind of person who accepts love for all its rightful reason. Don't make it such a weighty issue. Love should be humongous and all accepting! Love Yourself and accept who you are in all your sizes!
Write to me and tell me what you think!


  1. Thats pretty true you wrote on. Love should not be considered with sizes and beauty.

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  2. Love is a feeling over and above all tangible aspects...

    1. Absolutely, the feeling that is based on such shallow concepts is no love at all.
